The Center's mission is to leverage technology to solve public problems and design modern governance. The Center seeks to become a global leader in advancing the research and practice of policy informatics to address complex public issues. The Center advances its mission and vision by engaging in a variety of interdisciplinary and cross-sector research activities that focus on four categories of policy informatics - societal change, policy analysis, design interventions, and field building - that transcend contexts, including health, education, environment, and governance.

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Immersive Policy Learning: An Interactive Course Experiment

Tanya M. Kelley, Erik W. Johnston

Objective Legitimacy

Region United States

Sector Policy Education

Design Principles for Engaging and Retaining Virtual Citizen Scientists

Dara M. Wald, Justin Longo, A. R. Dobell

Methodology Case Studies Surveys

Sector Environment

Crowdsourcing civility: A natural experiment examining the effects of distributed moderation in online forums

Cliff Lampe, Paul Zube, Jusil Lee, Chul Hyun Park, Erik Johnston

Objective Participation

Discovering the Appropriate Role of Serious Games in the Design of Open Governance Platforms

Tanya M. Kelley, Erik Johnston


GitHub use in public administration in Canada: Early experience with a new open collaboration tool

Justin Longo, Tanya M. Kelley

Region Canada

Tools GitHub
