Citizen Science

Improving Crowdsourcing and Citizen Science as a Policy Mechanism for NA

Brittany Balcom

Methodology Quantitative Analysis
Objective Participation

Region United States

Hacking the streets: 'Smart' writing in the smart city

Spencer Jordan

What Is Citizen Science? – A Scientometric Meta-Analysis

Christopher Kullenberg, Dick Dasperowski

Methodology Quantitative Analysis
Objective Effectiveness

Design Principles for Engaging and Retaining Virtual Citizen Scientists

Dara M. Wald, Justin Longo, A. R. Dobell

Methodology Case Studies Surveys

Sector Environment

Smart Crowds in Smart Cities: Real Life, City Scale Deployments of a Smartphone Based Participatory Crowd Management Platform

Tobias Franke, Paul Lukowicz, Ulf Blanke

Methodology Design Science
Objective Effectiveness

Region Europe

Revealing Clutural Ecosystem Services through Instagram Images: The Potential of Social Media Volunteered Geographic Information for Green...

Paulina Guerrero, Maja Steen Møller, Anton Stahl Olafsson, Bernhard Snizek

Methodology Case Studies

Sector Environment